Inclusive Design (Post 3)

The practice of inclusive learning and teaching acknowledges every student’s right to a learning environment that values diversity, fosters participation, eliminates obstacles, and takes into account different learning requirements and preferences.

Consider the learning environment for your current design. What potential barriers can be reduced or eliminated to provide more pathways for learner success?

I have chosen Google Classroom as my learning platform, but several barriers can impede a child’s learning experience. Learning barriers can be physical, mental, emotional, cultural, or social elements that get in the way of a student achieving their learning goals. As 2020 brought global shutdowns and stay-at-home orders, our homes became our primary learning environments. Some thrived in a remote setting, whereas others were more challenged.

Available resources, distractions, and emotional and mental well-being all played a role in adapting to our new environments. Now, as more businesses and, in some locations, schools adopt a hybrid approach, our homes are becoming commonplace for encountering learning obstacleswhen we don’t have the right tools or support.

Successfully navigating the challenges of remote or hybrid learning requires a multi-faceted approach and strong support systems.

  • Ensure that students have reliable internet access, appropriate devices, and necessary software or applications.
  • Establish a structured schedule that includes designated study time, breaks, and leisure activities to provide a sense of normalcy and predictability.
  • Promote diversity and inclusivity in the learning environment by incorporating resources and materials that represent a variety of cultures, languages, and perspectives.
  • Encourage peer-to-peer interactions, group projects, and collaborative learning experiences through video conferencing platforms or online discussion boards.
  • Create virtual clubs or interest-based groups where students can connect with like-minded peers and engage in activities that go beyond academics.

It’s important to remember that overcoming learning barriers is a joint effort among educators, parents or caregivers, and students themselves. Consistent communication, adaptability, and flexibility are essential in creating an inclusive and supportive learning environment, whether in a remote or hybrid setting.


Imperial College London. (n.d.). Educational Development Unit. What is inclusive learning and teaching and why is it important? do we mean by,of learning needs and preferences.” 

Rice, G. (2023, March 8). Why your students aren’t learning (and how to fix it). Thinkific. 


  1. kmccarvill

    Successfully identifying and navigating barriers can be an immense task at times, especially if the instructional delivery is not in person. Nikhill, Google Classroom is a great platform to enhance and enrich student learning, however as you mentioned, it can create barriers that may not occur in the traditional classroom. An additional mitigation technique I thought of while reading your post would be to take the time to visually and verbally explain the features of Google Classroom to the class prior to learners using it independently. By doing so, students are getting that formal instruction piece to start them off which I think is really important because so often we ask students to use technology without properly explaining it first.

  2. agrimd

    I agree with you Nikhil, that inclusive learning and teaching are important for all students. It’s cool to see that you’re using Google Classroom as your learning platform, I am too, and it is pretty cool. It has so many awesome things to offer.

    One way to take action against these barriers is to give students with the resources they need to succeed. This includes ensuring that they have reliable internet, devices, and software or applications. Another way to address these barriers is to create a structured schedule that includes designated study time, breaks, and activities. Overcoming learning barriers is a group effort from teachers, parents, and students themselves. Consistent communication is key to being adaptable, and to be flexible. By working together, we can create an inclusive and supportive learning environment for everyone.

  3. Anastassiya

    Hi Nikhill! I really appreciated reading your thoughts on inclusivity and Google Classroom. It’s definitely true that technology can sometimes get in the way of learning for some students.

    When it comes to accessibility, Google Classroom has a few features that can make a big difference for students with disabilities. For example, the platform is compatible with screen readers and other assistive technologies, which can help students with visual impairments or learning disabilities. Additionally, teachers can use closed captioning and other tools to make videos and audio content more accessible. However, there is still room for improvement in terms of accessibility. One of the biggest issues is the lack of customization options. Teachers are limited in how they can format assignments, and students are unable to personalize their profiles. Additionally, the notification system can be overwhelming, as students receive notifications for every update, even if it is not relevant to them.

    It would be helpful if you could talk a bit more about CAST’s accessibility principles and how they can be implemented within Google Classroom.

    • nickkk

      Hey Anastassiya,

      Thank you for your feedback. I would definitely like to add something about CAST (Center for Applied Special Technology). To ensure accessibility for all learners in Google Classroom, it’s important to implement the accessibility principles from CAST. Here are some strategies one can use:

      * Provide content in multiple formats: This includes text, images, videos, and audio. This helps accommodate learners with different preferences and disabilities.

      * Caption videos: Make sure all videos shared in Google Classroom have accurate captions. This is particularly helpful for students with hearing impairments and language learners.

      * Use alt text for images: Describe images using alternative text, so that students with visual impairments can also understand the information.

  4. armaang20

    Thank you for sharing Nikhil! I agree with the fact that inclusive learning and teaching are important for all students. I too am using Google Classroom as my learning platform, which has so many features to offer! Regarding your prompt to remove barriers that can allow students to thrive in the learning process, providing the necessary resources is key. Having reliable devices, and a strong internet connection to allow them to complete their assignments, and view learning resources would remove any technical difficulties that one may incur. As well as maintaining a consistent learning schedule, communication and collaboration with other students is a great way to help students remove any doubts that they may have during the learning process.

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