Month: July 2023

Peer Review of Learning Pod 8

Learning Pod: 8

Peers’ Names: Tanya, Joysna

Interactive Learning Resource Topic: Social Media and Generation Gap

Identify components of the Interactive Learning Resource that might be missing (e.g., appropriate outcomes, alignment, interactivity, inclusivity, technology use and rationale, presentation, grammar, spelling, citations, etc.)

While going through the Interactive Learning Resources, I noticed a few missing or incomplete components. Specifically, the resource did not explicitly state which learning structure was being used – Behaviourism, Cognitivism, or Constructivism.

Furthermore, in the rationale for assessment for module 1, it was mentioned that students would carry out research and create a vlog discussing the impact of social media on self-esteem. However, in the actual assessment, there was no mention of a vlog.

I believe addressing these areas of concern would greatly enhance the clarity and effectiveness of the “Interactive Learning Resource.”

Provide a summary of The Interactive Learning Resource’s strengths and weaknesses. Draw out specific examples from your peers’ work to justify your feedback.


The Interactive Learning Resource has a collection of engaging materials, such as readings, educational videos, and comprehension activities, designed to enhance student engagement. Its well-organized layout, with clear headers and separate pages for different content, ensures user-friendliness and prevents students from feeling overwhelmed by an abundance of links and materials. The resource emphasizes inquiry-based learning theory, guiding students on how to learn effectively. Each module is thoughtfully structured, with clear titles and easy navigation for students to access relevant information. Detailed instructions for assessments help students understand their tasks and learn step-by-step. Interactive elements throughout the modules reinforce learning retention and comprehension, making the overall learning experience enjoyable and effective.


The Interactive Learning Resource provides various links, videos, and comprehension activities in its modules. However, some parts of the Notion page lack visual engagement. To enhance the overall appeal and increase the page’s illustrative nature, incorporating pictures or videos related to the subject matter would be beneficial.

Moreover, assigning grades for assessments and tasks would allow students to manage their time and energy according to the rubric and ratio. Including suggested student levels and grade ratios in the assessment’s rationale section would also be helpful.

Unfortunately, there were problems with the quiz located below the article on “Influence of social media users on us and our self-esteem” as it displayed an “invalid game code” when clicked.

Additionally, the learning resource lacked cohesiveness, with some modules/pages not logically flowing into each other. To address this issue, introducing each module with a logical connection to the previous ones could result in a smoother and more coherent learning experience.

Provide general, specific, and practical recommendations to your peers on how to improve their Interactive Learning Resource. 

I want to begin by expressing my gratitude for the exceptional work you have done in creating this learning tool. I suggest fixing the quiz section for “influence of social media users on us and our self-esteem” to make it more enjoyable and interactive. Additionally, it may be helpful to remove the vlog mentioned in the assessment rationale for module 1 or modify the assessment to be consistent with the rationale. It would also be beneficial to include more pictures (visual aid) to enhance student engagement. Overall, I think you have created a fantastic learning resource.

Post 4 comment

Hey Summer,

From my perspective, your inclusive learning design seems to be well thought out and addresses the needs of a diverse range of learners. By including both an online YouTube video and an online reading article, you have offered options that cater to diverse learning preferences and accessibility needs. The use of a BrightSpace quiz for assessment purposes is also a good choice, especially in unforeseen circumstances such as a pandemic where students may have to remain at home. This guarantees that individuals can still obtain educational resources and evaluations from a distance, preserving the consistency of their education. 

Overall, your inclusive learning design is commendable. You have shown a strong commitment to meeting the diverse needs of learners and providing them with accessible and adaptable resources. The incorporation of a variety of features supports, and accommodations creates an inclusive learning environment for all learners. 

Keep up the excellent work!

Interaction (Post 4)

In what way are they likely to respond to the video on their own, e.g., make notes, do an activity, or think about the topic (learner-generated)?

Learners may choose to take notes in order to remember the major topics and ideas addressed in the video, such as the link between interest rates and inflation, the influence of interest rate fluctuations on borrowing costs, consumer confidence, jobs, salaries, and stock prices. Furthermore, students may be encouraged to seek out further resources or instructional materials that give more in-depth knowledge on the topics of interest rates, central banking, and inflation. Books, scholarly articles, online courses, and movies are all examples of this. Learners are more likely to engage with the content if they actively digest it, connect it to their own knowledge and experiences, and seek further chances to enhance their comprehension of the issue.

What activity could you suggest that they do after they have watched the video (designed)? What type of knowledge or skill would that activity help develop? What medium or technology would students use to do the activity?

After watching the video, a suggested activity is a group discussion or debate on the benefits and downsides of central banks hiking interest rates. Students can take part in an online discussion forum where they can publish their opinions and reply to those of their peers. This structure allows for asynchronous dialogue, providing students more freedom to express themselves. This practice would assist students build critical thinking and analytical abilities while also deepening their comprehension of the issue. Whatever media or technology is utilized, the exercise should enable students to critically examine the impact of hiking interest rates, taking into account both short-term and long-term repercussions.

How could the video have been designed to generate more or better activity from viewers or students?

The video may have been made using the following principles to encourage more or better involvement from viewers or students:

  • Interactive elements: Include interactive components like as quizzes, polls, or questions in the video to encourage viewers to pause and think about the topic. This can promote active participation and reinforce learning.
  • Examples from Real Life: Real-world examples or case studies that highlight the consequences of interest rate changes on various stakeholders, such as consumers, corporations, or governments, are encouraged. This can help viewers connect academic principles to real-world events and get a better understanding.

By adding these design components, the movie may be transformed from a passive viewing experience to an interactive and thought-provoking learning experience, boosting deeper engagement and comprehension among viewers or students.

How will you address any potential barriers for your learners in the use of this video to ensure an inclusive design?

  • Clear and Simple Language: In the video narration, use clear and simple language, avoiding jargon or technical phrases as much as possible. This allows learners from all backgrounds and linguistic abilities to effortlessly comprehend the information.
  • Text Visualization: If any crucial points or key phrases are spoken in the video, graphically portray them on-screen alongside the narration. This is designed for students who benefit from both aural and visual learning cues.
  • Inclusive Visual Design: Make sure the video’s graphics are built with inclusive concerns in mind, such as suitable color contrasts, font sizes, and visual clarity. This enables learners with vision impairments or other visual issues to successfully absorb the lesson.

By using these concepts, the video may be built in an accessible and inclusive manner, ensuring that all learners can successfully engage with the information and benefit from the learning experience.


YouTube. (2022, June 9). How does raising interest rates control inflation? 

Post 3 comment

Hey Rosina,

I really appreciate your approach to using Google documents, speech recognition, and online interaction to assist non-native English learners. To further improve the learning experience, I suggest prioritizing learning outcomes, promoting inclusivity, and engaging students with interactive content. Additionally, providing reliable multilingual support and technical assistance, fostering collaboration, and incorporating student feedback can greatly enhance the learning process. Lastly, it’s important to always respect copyright and intellectual property rights when utilizing external resources. Overall, your input is truly valuable and greatly appreciated.

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